Results for "mouse model"


  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    Preparing a CV is also an art as well as the contents and presentation of a model CV for doctors in training ha...perhaps surprising to note that these models differ significantly from on...Chapman-Sheath PJ, Pearse MF.  A model curriculum vitae: what are th...

    3512 days ago

  • One page R survival guide !!

    There any many of the documents have been developed and t...: *OnePageR - *R A Template for Building Models: *OnePageR - *R...M (R) KernLab (R) NeuralNetworks (R) NNet (R) Model Delivery Evaluating Models:&...

    3403 days ago

  • +9 more Blogs




Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological...hniques such as the three-dimensional modeling of biomolecules and sequence profiles or Hidden Markov Models to perform more sensitive ho...cted with an accuracy above 70 %. 3D models can be obtained most easily...

    4086 days ago

  • Genomics for Bioinformatician

    Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms. The field includes intens...of bacteria and archaea.Glimmer (Gene Locator and Interpolated Markov Modeler) uses interpolated Markov models (IMMs) to identify the codin...

    4080 days ago

  • +17 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • #Mouse #Genome #Mammmals #GenesCatalogue

    3740 days ago


  • PhylomeDB

    PhylomeDB is a public database for complete collections of gene phylogenies ...imum Likelihood or Bayesian tree inference, alignment trimming and evolutionary model testing. PhylomeDB includes a...

    4057 days ago

  • Sorghum genome Sequenced!!

    Sorghum, a staple food for 500 million resource-poor people in marginal environments and a model for other important crops, so...

    4036 days ago

  • +13 more News

Opportunity posts

  • PhD Positions

    van Noort Group is looking for PhD fellows We currently access an unprecedented kn...d phenotype remains one of biology’s fundamental challenges. In the project two model organisms, budding yeast and...

    4087 days ago

  • Project Fellow @ Alagappa University

    Advertisement for the post of project Fellow in UGC proje...“Shape and chemical feature based 3D- Pharmacophore Model generation, Virtual Screening...s Desirable: Research experience in Molecular modeling and CADD will be given pre...

    4031 days ago

  • +19 more Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • IBL laboratory

    The IBL laboratory focuses on the multi-disciplinary analyses of the global responses of model microorganisms, cyanobacteria...ed, archived, integrated and represented as working models through bioinformatics and m...

    4058 days ago

  • Claus-Peter Stelzer Lab

    Interested in various topics at the intersection of ecology and evolution. In my research I use rotifers as model organisms for experimental st...

    1285 days ago

  • +13 more ResearchLabs posts



  • How Genes are Regulated: Transcription Factors

    Each cell in our body inherits the same master copy of DNA, but different cell types...ynamic proteins physically interact with DNA allows us to better understand and model their binding to DNA and thei...

    4033 days ago

  • Systems Biology Lecture 1

    Living cells are a special form of condensed matter, matter that has been optimized b...networks. The theoretical discussion is accompanied by examples of well-studied model systems. Prof. Uri Alon, Weiz...

    3943 days ago



  • Comparative Genomics !!

    Comparative Genomics !!

    Comparative genomics is a field of biological research in which the genome sequences of different species — human, mouse, and a wide variety of other organisms from bacteria to chimpanzees — are compared. This group is dedicated to Comparative genomics ... 

    2669 days ago


  • Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Ramming

    In many autoimmune diseases, a misdirected immune response leads to chronic inflammation and subsequently to fibrotic and degenerative tissue remodeling. Therapeutic options are available for inflammatory joint diseases, but only about 40% of patients respond to these existing therapies on a perm...

    Tags: Immunology, sequencing, single cell, mathematics, fibrosis, arthritis, mouse model

    1872 days ago