Results for "peak calling"


  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    ..., call the department and ask to speak to someone on the search comm...has been published and Yale comes calling.  They often don't the point, Yale rarely "comes calling."  An even greater burde...t doing some research so you can speak in more specific terms about how...

    3360 days ago

  • Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data

    ...emented in Strand NGS for detecting the binding sites of transcription factor (narrow peaks) and enriched regions of histone modification (broad peaks) from ChIP-Seq data.Read the benchmarking study on Calling narrow and broad peaks from C...

    3192 days ago

  • +7 more Blogs



  • Bioinformatics approach to Boar Taint

    Meat products obtained from intact male pigs often produce offensive smell or odour...sp;version 10.2 reference assembly using Bowtie2. Alignment file then used for calling SNPs and InDels inside previo...

    3784 days ago


Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Variant calling #variant #snp #tutorial

    2014 days ago

  • Variant calling workflow #Variant #Calling #Tutorial

    2014 days ago

  • +2 more Wire posts


  • Scalpel

    A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an algorithm, called Scalpel...ccount for simple sequence repeats that are a regular source of error in indel calling. When Scalpel assembles an ex...

    3541 days ago

  • Roche has acquired Bina Technologies !!!

    Bina Technologies is a privately held company that provides a big data platform for...ox, a platform for secondary genomic analysis, sequence alignment, and variant calling, but since 2012, it has devel...

    3408 days ago

  • +5 more News

Opportunity posts


  • Estimate Genome Size

    # Count k-mer occurrence using Jellyfish 2.2.6 jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? sread_1.fastq sread_2.fastq # points for a histogram jellyfish histo -o 19mer_out.histo 19mer_out #Plot results using R ##load the data into dataframe19 dataframe19

    2259 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...----------------------- Base Calling:...ty for specified Illumina basecalling data. CollectIlluminaB...eads in a HiSeqX Illumina Basecalling directory into various catego...Tools that perform variant calling and genotyping for short vari...

    2070 days ago

  • +3 more Bio-Scripts


  • Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Seq data

    Know about the state-of-the-art algorithms implemented in Strand NGS for detecting the binding sites of transcription factor (narrow peaks) and enriched regions of histone modification (broad peaks) from ChIP-Seq data.Read the benchmarking study on Calling narrow and broad peaks from ChIP-Se...

    Tags: ChIP-Seq, strand ngs, peak calling, PICS, MACS, broad peaks, narrow peaks

    3192 days ago