Using KAT again (You will need the modules: KAT/2.1.1
and gnuplot/4.6.5
) – we can plot the kmer content of the assembly compared to the kmer content of the read set. The first thing we need to do is to combine the reads into a single file, for gzipped files, this can be done with zcat
, or for unzipped files cat
$ cat reads_R1.fastq >> combined.fastq
$ zcat reads_R2.fastq.gz >> combined.fastq
We will now use kat comp
to create a kmer content comparison. Use kat comp --help
to get help for the program, then create a comparison between the combined reads and the assembly. Make sure that you use the flags for canonical hashes for both sequence 1 and 2, as well as 8 threads. Finally, clean up you working directory by removing the combined fasta file, and re-zipping any unzipped files. Then download the output files to you computer using scp
and look at the png file that was produced.
Sometime, you need to provide the path
➜ Tools git:(master) ✗ PATH=$PATH:/home/tools/anaconda3/bin
➜ Tools git:(master) ✗ export $PATH