www.docker.com - dockr 0.8.6 is now available on CRAN. dockr is a minimal toolkit to build a lightweight Docker container image for your R package, in which the package itself is available. The Docker image seeks to mirror your R session as close as possible with...
github.com - Call sviper
~$ ./sviper -s short-reads.bam -l long-reads.bam -r ref.fa -c variants.vcf -o polished_variants
This will output a polished_variants.vcf file, that contains all the refined variants.
Sometimes it is helpful to look at the...
github.com - An increasing number of phased (i.e. with resolved haplotypes) reference genomes are available. However, most genetic variant calling tools do not explicitly account for haplotype structure. Here, we present HaploTypo, a pipeline tailored to resolve...
academic.oup.com - The Docker image is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/biodatageeks/. Supplementary information on benchmarking procedure as well as test data are publicly accessible at the project documentation...
http://www.phyloxml.org/ - phyloXML (example) is an XML language designed to describe phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. PhyloXML provides elements for commonly used features, such as taxonomic information, gene names and identifiers, branch...
github.com - Miniasm is a great long-read assembly tool: straight-forward, effective and very fast. However, it does not include a polishing step, so its assemblies have a high error rate – they are essentially made of stitched-together pieces of long...
github.com - RepeatModeler2 represents a valuable addition to the genome annotation toolkit that will enhance the identification and study of TEs in eukaryotic genome sequences. RepeatModeler2 is available as source code or a containerized package under an open...
github.com - Simulated genomes with pre-defined and random genomic variants can be very useful for benchmarking genomic and bioinformatics analyses. Here we introduce simuG, a lightweight tool for simulating the full-spectrum of genomic variants (single...
pypi.org - The Environment for Tree Exploration (ETE) is a Python programming toolkit that assists in the recontruction, manipulation, analysis and visualization of phylogenetic trees (although clustering trees or any other tree-like data structure are also...
https://seq-lang.org -
Seq is a programming language for computational genomics and bioinformatics. With a Python-compatible syntax and a host of domain-specific features and optimizations, Seq makes writing high-performance genomics software as easy as writing...