J. Craig Venter, CEO of Synthetic Genomics, talks about finding genomic-driven solutions to address global needs such as new sources of energy, food and vaccines in an interview with James Bennet, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic. This program is...
Pine Biotech is developing a project-based approach to online, effective workshops in bioinformatics. The resources are supplemented by a full online learning environment.
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB
Job Description:
Novel diagnostic platform for detection of Osteoarthritis
I invite applications from highly motivated individuals to join my laboratory as a PhD student...
www.nature.com - Second generation sequencing has revolutionized genomic studies. However, most genomes contain repeated DNA elements that are longer than the read lengths achievable with typical sequencers, so the genomic order of several generated contigs cannot...
Live Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Abstract: Strand NGS supports an extensive workflow for the analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data. The workflow includes Transcriptome / Genome alignment, Differential expression analysis with Statistical...
The main objectives of this Practical Course are to strengthen skills
of PhD students and young researchers in the domain of Bioinformatics
and Genome Data Analyses on the use of advanced fundamental algorithms
and their applications in genome...
fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of longer fragments. The lengths of these fragments are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants,...