Pine Biotech is developing a project-based approach to online, effective workshops in bioinformatics. The resources are supplemented by a full online learning environment.
Psoriasis is immune-mediated disease that effects the skin. the Disease on an average affects about 10-20 million Indians and it attacks the immune system of human beings. In generally occurs, when the immune system mistakes a normal skin cell for a...
Genome sequencing projects have enormous potential for benefiting human endeavors. However, just as acquiring a language's vocabulary does not enable one to speak it, databases that list the amino acid composition of proteins do not directly tell us...
A laboratory (normally lab) is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and... - SEX-DETector is a probabilistic method that relies on RNAseq data from a cross (parents and progeny of each sex) to infer autosomal and sex-linked genes (genes located on the non recombining part of sex chromosomes).
How does SEX-DETector... - Mulan: Multiple-sequence local alignment and visualization for studying function and evolution
Mulan (, a novel method and a network server for comparing multiple draft and finished-quality sequences to identify functional...
The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome evolution in primates.
Kelso Group
Department of...