- Glittr is a curated list of bioinformatics training material.All material is:
In a GitHub or GitLab repository
Free to use
Written in markdown or similar
NOTE: This list of courses is selected only based on the above criteria.There...
Raghava's group is known for developing open source software or web servers. Group have developed large number of web-based services.
Find more at - I bet, this website will be your best friend in near future. This helps us to explore the existing open source codes and learn from it.
You can find some useful open source bioinformatics codes for your analysis work. You can use the left bar...
MSc degree in computer science, engineering, genetics or similar field with a strong emphasis on computational...
There was a lot of buzz about Oxford Nanopore Technologies® is developing the GridION™ system and miniaturised MinION™ device. These are a new generation of electronic molecular analysis system for use in scientific research,... - GRASS (GeneRic ASsembly Scaffolder)-a novel algorithm for scaffolding second-generation sequencing assemblies capable of using diverse information sources. GRASS offers a mixed-integer programming formulation of the contig scaffolding problem, which...
Genome browsers are useful not only for showing final results but also for improving analysis protocols, testing data quality, and generating result drafts. Its integration in analysis pipelines allows the optimization of parameters, which...