- Luigi is a Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 tested) package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more.
Run pip... - Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuracy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. It uses Sparse HIereachical MimiMizER (SHIMMER)...
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and... - snakePipes are flexible and powerful workflows built using snakemake that simplify the analysis of NGS data.
Whole Genome Bisulfite Seq/WGBS
(*Also available in... - Filtering raw genomic datasets is essential to avoid chimeric assemblies and to increase the validity of sequence-based biological inference. BlobToolKit extends the BlobTools1/Blobology2 approach to simplify interactive and reproducible... - quarTeT is a collection of tools for T2T genome assembly and basic analysis in automatic workflow.Task include:
AssemblyMapper : reference-guided genome assembly
GapFiller : long-reads based gap filling
TeloExplorer : telomere...
The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome evolution in primates.
Kelso Group
Department of... - Mike Bostock’s D3.js is great for creating interactive network graphs with JavaScript. The d3Network package makes it easy to create these network graphs from R. The main idea is that you should able to take...
Predicting the structure of protein–protein complexes using docking approaches is a difficult problem whose major challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes.... - EvidentialGene is a genome informatics project, "Evidence Directed Gene Construction for Eukaryotes", to construct high quality, accurate gene sets for animals and plants, developed by Don Gilbert at Indiana University,...