www.broadinstitute.org - VICUNA is a de novo assembly program targeting populations with high mutation rates. It creates a single linear representation of the mixed population on which intra-host variants can be mapped. For clinical samples rich in...
academic.oup.com - LoReTTA (Long Read Template-Targeted Assembler), a tool designed for performing de novo assembly of long reads generated from viral genomes on the PacBio platform. LoReTTA exploits a reference genome to guide the assembly process, an approach that...
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (kaust.edu.sa) is seeking a highly motivated and skilled faculty member for the Bioinformatics track whose research focuses on development of methods and tools for Bioinformatics and...
Structural variants (SVs) such as deletions, insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations litter genomes and are often associated with gene expression changes and severe phenotypes (ie. genetic diseases in humans).
genomebiology.biomedcentral.com - REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It can be used in any stage of an assembly pipeline to automatically break incorrect scaffolds and...
http://prodigal.ornl.gov/ - Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. Key features of Prodigal...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments....
github.com - This tutorial includes resources for learning more about PacBio data and bioinformatics analysis, and includes content suitable for both beginners and experts. Below are links to training modules (webinars and PowerPoint presentations) to help you...
bitbucket.org - MetaBAT, An Efficient Tool for Accurately Reconstructing Single Genomes from Complex Microbial Communities
Grouping large genomic fragments assembled from shotgun metagenomic sequences to deconvolute complex microbial communities, or metagenome...
kakitone.github.io - FinisherSC, a repeat-aware and scalable tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads. Experiments with real data suggest that FinisherSC can provide longer and higher quality contigs than existing tools while maintaining high...