www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments....
fsa.sourceforge.net - FSA is a probabilistic multiple sequence alignment algorithm which uses a "distance-based" approach to aligning homologous protein, RNA or DNA sequences. Much as distance-based phylogenetic reconstruction methods like Neighbor-Joining build a...
www.mgc.ac.cn - GenomeComp is a tool for summarizing, parsing and visualizing the genome wide sequence comparison results derived from voluminous BLAST textual output, so as to locate the rearrangements, insertions or deletions of genome segments between species or...
In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers.
seqmule.openbioinformatics.org - SeqMule takes single-end or paird-end FASTQ or BAM files, generates a script consisting of more than 10 popular alignment, analysis tools and runs the script line by line. Users can change the pipeline or fine-tune the parameters by modifying its...
NGS & Bioinformatics Summit Europe
7th to 8th October 2013
Berlin, Germany
Website: https://www.gtcbio.com/conference/ngseurope-overview
Contact person: Kristen Starkey
We welcome you to join us at GTC’s NGS...
journal.frontiersin.org - We have developed gbtools, a software package that allows users to visualize metagenomic assemblies by plotting coverage (sequencing depth) and GC values of contigs, and also to annotate the plots with taxonomic information. Different sets of...
The Bioinformatics group at Boku University has two main areas of interest, underpinning a common goal, the study of complex systems in living organisms. To overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher...
http://json.org/ - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming...