www.sequenceontology.org - We have developed the Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome. We envisage its use during annotation jamborees, genome comparison and for use by developers...
wist is looking for a Bioinformatics Scientist to join our Production Bioinformatics Team. You will work alongside research scientists, software engineers and data scientists to further deliver on our mission to expand access to best-in-class...
GABi Research
The major researching fields defined as the GABi scope are described next:
Sequence Analysis
Protein Structure Prediction
Comparative Genomics
Functional Analysis of Residues on Protein Families
The IITM-Tokyo Tech Joint Symposium is a biannual international symposium held in Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), India in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo-Tech), Japan.
https://plast.inria.fr/ - PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms.
Relying on unique software architecture,...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-sequence-the-human-genome-mark-j-kiel
Your genome, every human's genome, consists of a unique DNA sequence of A's, T's, C's and G's that tell your cells how to operate. Thanks to technological...
www.well.ox.ac.uk - Platypus is a tool designed for efficient and accurate variant-detection in high-throughput sequencing data. By using local realignment of reads and local assembly it achieves both high sensitivity and high specificity. Platypus can detect...
Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) – also known as ancestral gene/sequence reconstruction/resurrection – is a technique used in the study of molecular evolution
rosalind.info - Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Take a tour to get the hang of how Rosalind works.