- MitoHiFi v3.2 is a python pipeline distributed under MIT License !
MitoHiFi was first developed to assemble the mitogenomes for a wide range of species in the Darwin Tree of Life Project...
“Ocimum Biosolution” is a comprehensive Integrated Life Science Informatics solutions provider with service offerings that span Sample and Data Management (LIMS, Biologics Data Management), Genomics Data Analysis Services such as Gene Expression,... - quarTeT is a collection of tools for T2T genome assembly and basic analysis in automatic workflow.Task include:
AssemblyMapper : reference-guided genome assembly
GapFiller : long-reads based gap filling
TeloExplorer : telomere...
70 per cent of emerging viral diseases such as HIV/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, are zoonoses - infections of animals that cross into humans.
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on SERB, DST funded project entitled “Genome wide analysis of ascorbate oxidase multi-gene family and elucidating its role in negative regulation of stress response in...
Department of RDAP
North-Eastern Hil University, Tura Campus
Tura-79402, Meghalaya
Walk in interview for Research Associate, Studentship and Traineeship at BIF
Applications are invited for the...
Advt. No.T/2014/4
Ref. No. GU/Estt/T/308(VI)/2014/6451-61
Applications are invited from the Indian citizens for five (5) teaching posts of Assistant Professor (Contractual) under various departments of Gauhati University. Details of the... - With the relative ease and low cost of current generation sequencing technologies has led to a dramatic increase in the number of sequenced genomes for species across the tree of life. This increasing volume of data requires tools that can quickly...