www.docker.com - dockr 0.8.6 is now available on CRAN. dockr is a minimal toolkit to build a lightweight Docker container image for your R package, in which the package itself is available. The Docker image seeks to mirror your R session as close as possible with...
Research Associate/JRF/SRF position, DBT Sponsored Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
Applicants should hold a PhD or a first class MSc/MTech degree in Bioinformatics of Biotechnology/Life Sciences; experience in using bioinformatics tools,...
web.mit.edu - The following is a step-by-step guide to creating your own R package. Even beyond this course, youmay find this useful for storing functions you create for your own research or for editing existingR packages to suit your needs.
This guide...
github.com - The PheWAS R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study. For a description of the methods available and some simple examples, please see the package vignette or the R documentation. For...
www.phytools.org - R phylogenetics is built on the contributed packages for phylogenetics in R, and there are many such packages. Let's begin today by installing a few critical packages, such as ape, phangorn, phytools, and geiger. To get the most recent CRAN version...
http://www.vital-it.ch/ - Vital-IT is a bioinformatics competence center that supports and collaborates with life scientists in Switzerland and beyond. The multi-disciplinary team provides expertise, training and maintains a high-performance computing (HPC) and storage...
rpubs.com - An R package for performing principal component analysis (PCA) of genomics data. The package performs PCA, generates the publication-ready plots, and identifies population-specific outlier individuals. The package can be accessed on...
sites.google.com - ShRec3D is a program that aims at reconstructing a genome 3D structure (b) from the sole knowledge of the contacts between different genomic regions (a) as determined by Hi-C (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19815776).
There are two options to...