Yau Group are a new research group based at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford.
Yau Group develops statistical and computational methods for the analysis of genomic datasets...
There are two methods for ancient WGD detection, one is collinearity analysis, and the other is based on the Ks distribution map. Among them, Ks is defined as the average number of synonymous substitutions at each synonymous site, and there is...
Ref: 13/102900
Available immediately until 30th November 2015, to work on the development of bioinformatics approaches to aid analysis of data derived from the metabolomic profiling of biological matrices. The successful applicant will lead...
github.com - RagTag is a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies. Tasks include:
Homology-based misassembly correction
Homology-based assembly scaffolding and patching
Scaffold merging
P.O BOX 101,
Dr. M. Miyazaki Marg,
Tajganj, Agra - 282001
Applications are invited for a walk-in interview to be held in the Seminar...
www.weizmann.ac.il - Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs...
Gagneur lab at Gene Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany
Deadline for applications : January 15, 2014.
Description :
We seek a talented and motivated post-doc to develop computational methods for inferring the molecular...
Only bioinformatician can understand that multiplication and division are different but same thing :)
Disclaimer: This cartoon is solely designed to create humour and fun, not to offend any computer experts.
github.com - The GenomeQC web application is implemented in R/Shiny version 1.5.9 and Python 3.6 and is freely available at https://genomeqc.maizegdb.org/ under the GPL license. All source code and a containerized version of the GenomeQC pipeline is...