evomics.org - The objective of this activity is to help you understand how to run Velvet in general, how to accurately estimate the insert size of a paired-end library through the use of Bowtie, the primary parameters of velvet, and the process...
sco.h-its.org - PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with as low as just a few kilobytes of memory.
PEAR evaluates all possible paired-end read overlaps and without requiring the...
brig.sourceforge.net - BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The application is available...
sourceforge.net - PBJelly - the genome upgrading tool. PBHoney - the structural variation discovery tool Both are contained within the PBSuite code found in downloads.----- PBJelly -----Read The...
github.com - This project contains scripts and tutorials on how to assemble individual microbial genomes from metagenomes, as described in:
Genome sequences of rare, uncultured bacteria obtained by differential coverage binning of multiple metagenomesMads...
github.com - COCACOLA is a general framework that combines different types of information: sequence COmposition, CoverAge across multiple samples, CO-alignment to reference genomes and paired-end reads LinkAge to automatically bin contigs into OTUs. Furthermore,...
github.com - This project contains scripts and tutorials on how to assemble individual microbial genomes from metagenomes, as described in:
Genome sequences of rare, uncultured bacteria obtained by differential coverage binning of multiple metagenomes
www.yandell-lab.org - MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline.Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats,...
sb.nhri.org.tw - A plethora of algorithmic assemblers have been proposed for the de novo assembly of genomes, however, no individual assembler guarantees the optimal assembly for diverse species. Optimizing various parameters in an assembler is often performed in...