- ContigExtender, was developed to extend contigs, complementing de novo assembly. ContigExtender employs a novel recursive Overlap Layout Candidates (r-OLC) strategy that explores multiple extending paths to achieve longer and highly accurate... - Tool for plotting sequencing data along genomic coordinates.
for GENOmics
With figeno, you can plot various types of sequencing data along genomic coordinates. Video... - It's goal is to show chromosmal data per genus. Select the genus, and the plot will show the records found for it in the Chromosome Counts Database. note: Report an issue via Gihub: and... - DeepHiC is a GAN-based model for enhancing Hi-C data resolution. We developed this server for helping researchers to enhance their own low-resolution data by a few steps of clicks. Ab initio training could be performed according to our published... - The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse...
In Bio-informatics based genome sequencing and predicting metabolic pathways research jobs I used Matlab, SAS, SPSS, R and several Bioconductor packages. Matlab had a lot of powerful tools and was easy to use, whereas SPSS is for...
The Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University Medical Center is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate for a one year appointment to work on several high-dimensional research projects. The specific goals of the project are to... - RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The developers and expert trainers are the authors of several popular R packages, including ggplot2, plyr,...