- A tool for converting for recovering synteny blocks from multiple alignment (in MAF fromat)
This tool is a standalone version of Ragout module [http://fenderglass.github./Ragout] - VGSC, the Vector Graph toolkit of genome Synteny and Collinearity, and its online service, to visualize the synteny and collinearity in the common graphical format, including both raster (JPEG, Bitmap, and PNG) and vector graphic (SVG, EPS, and... - SynVisio lets you explore the results of McScanX a popular synteny and collinearity detection toolkit and generate publication ready images.
SynVisio requires two files to run:
The simplified gff file that was used as an... - Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. Chromonomer tries very hard to identify and remove markers that are out of order in the genetic map, when considered against their local assembly order; and to...
There are two methods for ancient WGD detection, one is collinearity analysis, and the other is based on the Ks distribution map. Among them, Ks is defined as the average number of synonymous substitutions at each synonymous site, and there is... - Genomic regulatory blocks are chromosomal regions spanned by long clusters of highly conserved noncoding elements devoted to long-range regulation of developmental genes, often immobilizing other, unrelated genes into long-lasting syntenic...
Workshop in Bioinformatics, 4/June/2012
Campus Vida's Research Centers organize in Santiago de Compostela the Workshop in Bioinformatics. This event addressed issues such as structural bioinformatics, biological modelling and mining bioinformatics... - Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful...