- GSP4PDB is a user-friendly and efficient application to search and discover new patterns of protein-ligand interaction.
GSP4PDB is part of the services provided by the Bioinformatic Group of the University of... - Liftoff, an accurate tool that maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. Unlike current coordinate lift-over tools which require a pre-generated “chain” file as input, Liftoff is a... - LoReTTA (Long Read Template-Targeted Assembler), a tool designed for performing de novo assembly of long reads generated from viral genomes on the PacBio platform. LoReTTA exploits a reference genome to guide the assembly process, an approach that... - The GenomeQC web application is implemented in R/Shiny version 1.5.9 and Python 3.6 and is freely available at under the GPL license. All source code and a containerized version of the GenomeQC pipeline is... - CGView.js is a Circular Genome Viewing tool for visualizing and interacting with small genomes. This software is an adaptation of the Java program CGView.
CGView.js is the genome viewer of Proksee, an expert system for genome... - NGenomeSyn: an easy-to-use and flexible tool for publication-ready visualization of syntenic relationships across multiple genomes
NGenomeSyn [multiple (N) Genome Synteny], for publication-ready visualization of syntenic relationships of...
Like in case of plant genomes where nature of genome is too complex and huge in size to accomplish complete de novo assembly by current sequencing technology. What would be alternate solution? Can we live in reference free world?
Each chromosome consists of one continuous thread-like molecule of DNA coiled tightly around proteins, and contains a portion of the 6,400,000,000 basepairs (DNA building blocks) that make up your DNA.
Originally created for DNA Interactive (...