- dnaPipeTE (for de-novo assembly & annotation Pipeline for Transposable Elements), is a pipeline designed to find, annotate and quantify Transposable Elements in small samples of NGS datasets. It is very useful to quantify the proportion of TEs... - ALPACA requires Celera Assembler 8.3 or later. It is recommended to build Celera Assembler from source. (Why? The pre-built binaries CA_8.3rc1 and CA8.3rc2 will work for any large data set.
Detail paper... - StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length... - HiCanu, a significant modification of the Canu assembler designed to leverage the full potential of HiFi reads via homopolymer compression, overlap-based error correction, and aggressive false overlap filtering.
More... - Given a de novo assembly, we often measure the “average” contig length by N50. N50 is neither the real average nor median. It is the length of the contig such that this and longer contigs cover at least 50% of the assembly. A...
The Genome 10K project aims to assemble a genomic zoo—a collection of DNA sequences representing the genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species, approximately one for every vertebrate genus. The trajectory of cost reduction... - Convenient conversions between genome assemblie. The liftover package makes it easy to remap genomic coordinates to a different genome assembly.
More at... - Trinity, developed at the Broad Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, represents a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. Trinity combines three independent software modules:... - Rreference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly (RACA), an algorithm to reliably order and orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal fragments using comparative genome information and paired-end... - DISCOVAR is a new variant caller and DISCOVAR de novo a new genome assembler, both designed for state-of-the-art data. Their inputs are chosen to optimize quality while keeping costs low. Currently it takes as input Illumina reads of length 250 or...