- pbmm2 is a SMRT C++ wrapper for minimap2's C API. Its purpose is to support native PacBio in- and output, provide sets of recommended parameters, generate sorted output on-the-fly, and postprocess alignments. Sorted output can be used directly for... - rHAT is a seed-and-extension-based noisy long read alignment tool. It is suitable for aligning 3rd generation sequencing reads which are in large read length with relatively high error rate, especially Pacbio's Single Molecule Read-time (SMRT)... - LAST can:
Handle big sequence data, e.g:
Compare two vertebrate genomes
Align billions of DNA reads to a genome
Indicate the reliability of each aligned column.
Use sequence quality data properly.
Compare DNA to proteins, with... - Supports Illumina, 454, other Next-Gen and Sanger Reads and allows mixtures of these read types
Consed includes BamScape which can view bam files with unlimited numbers of reads. BamScape can bring up consed to edit reads and the reference sequence... - Long-read sequencing technologies have become increasingly popular in genome projects due to their strengths in resolving complex genomic regions. As a leading model organism with small genome size and great biotechnological importance, the budding... - Reconstruct Pathway is a KEGG PATHWAY mapping tool that assists genome and metagenome annotations. The input data is a single gene list (for a single organism) or multiple gene lists (for multiple organisms) annotated with KEGG Orthology (KO)...