- AlignGraph is a software that extends and joins contigs or scaffolds by reassembling them with help provided by a reference genome of a closely related organism.
Using AlignGraph
AlignGraph --read1 reads_1.fa --read2 reads_2.fa --contig contigs.fa... - EAGLER is a scaffolding tool for long reads. The scaffolder takes as input a draft genome created by any NGS assembler and a set of long reads. The long reads are used to extend the contigs present in the NGS draft and possibly join overlapping... - SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing.
Please email your questions, comments, suggestions, and bug reports to... - This is a tutorial for a workshop on long-read (PacBio) genome assembly.
It demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequencing reads to assemble a bacterial genome, and includes additional steps for circularising, trimming, finding plasmids, and... - SKESA is a DeBruijn graph-based de-novo assembler designed for assembling reads of microbial genomes sequenced using Illumina. Comparison with SPAdes and MegaHit shows that SKESA produces assemblies that have high sequence quality and contiguity,... - QUAST-LG is an extension of QUAST intended for evaluating large-scale genome assemblies (up to mammalian-size).
QUAST-LG is included in the QUAST package starting from version 5.0.0 (download the latest release). Run QUAST as... - Wtdbg2 is a de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). It assembles raw reads without error correction and then builds the consensus from intermediate assembly... - The pipeline is open-source and hosted in a public Bitbucket repository.
TRITEX has been run on highly inbred genotypes of barley (Hordeum vulgare), tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum) and hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum) with reasonable... - MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome...