- FastProNGS to integrate the quality control process with automatic adapter removal. Parallel processing was implemented to speed up the process by allocating multiple threads. Compared with similar up-to-date preprocessing tools, FastProNGS is by... - Pros and cons of HairSplitter Limitations of HairSplitter:
Not very fast: it re-polishes the whole assembly
Limited in the number of haplotypes
Strengths of HairSplitter:
Very modular, can be used with any assembler
Naive: makes no... - Stampy is a package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. It's recommended for most workflows, including those for genomic resequencing, RNA-Seq and Chip-seq. Stampy excels in the mapping of... - ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. ART simulates sequencing reads by mimicking real sequencing process with empirical error models or quality profiles summarized from large recalibrated... - LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read... - HECIL—Hybrid Error Correction with Iterative Learning—a hybrid error correction framework that determines a correction policy for erroneous long reads, based on optimal combinations of decision weights obtained from short read... - Created by Stephen Johnson, Brett Trost, Dr. Jeffrey R. Long, Dr. Anthony Kusalik University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science
BEAR is intended to be an easy-to-use collection of scripts for generating simulated WGS metagenomic reads... - MetaEuk is a modular toolkit designed for large-scale gene discovery and annotation in eukaryotic metagenomic contigs. Metaeuk combines the fast and sensitive homology search capabilities of MMseqs2 with a dynamic programming procedure to...
Tutorial for PSI-BLAST, an extension of BLAST that uses matrix algebra. BLAST is a cornerstone bioinformatics tool at NCBI. BLAST is the
Basic Local Alignment Search tool and will protein and DNA sequences that