www.zbh.uni-hamburg.de - Tallymer is based on enhanced suffix arrays. This gives a much larger flexibility concerning the choice of the k-mer size. Tallymer can process large data sizes of several billion bases. We used it in a variety of applications to study the...
1001genomes.org - GenomeMapper is a short read mapping tool designed for accurate read alignments. It quickly aligns millions of reads either with ungapped or gapped alignments. It can be used to align against multiple genomes simulanteously or against a single...
github.com - Gepard (German: "cheetah", Backronym for "GEnome PAir - Rapid Dotter") allows the calculation of dotplots even for large sequences like chromosomes or bacterial genomes. Reference: Krumsiek J, Arnold R, Rattei T. Gepard: A rapid and sensitive tool...
catchenlab.life.illinois.edu - Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. Chromonomer tries very hard to identify and remove markers that are out of order in the genetic map, when considered against their local assembly order; and to...
A research team published a dataset of 363 genomes from approximately 92 percent of bird families and showed the significance of sampling dense organisms for biodiversity research.
synorth.genereg.net - Genomic regulatory blocks are chromosomal regions spanned by long clusters of highly conserved noncoding elements devoted to long-range regulation of developmental genes, often immobilizing other, unrelated genes into long-lasting syntenic...
github.com - YASRA (Yet Another Short Read Assembler) performs comparative assembly of short reads using a reference genome, which can differ substantially from the genome being sequenced. Mapping reads to reference genomes makes use of LASTZ (Harris et al), a...
disco.omicsbio.org - DISCO is a multi threaded and multiprocess distributed memory overlap-layout-consensus (OLC) metagenome assembler. Disco was developed as a scalable assembler to assemble large metagenomes from billions of Illumina sequencing reads of complex...
jgi.doe.gov - Tadpole is a kmer-based assembler, with additional capabilities of error-correcting and extending reads. It does not do any complicated graph analysis or scaffolding, and therefore, is not particularly good for diploid organisms. Tadpole is...