- Supernova generates phased, whole-genome de novo assemblies from a Chromium-prepared library.
Please see Achieving Success with De Novo Assembly and System Requirements before creating your Chromium libraries for... - PERGA - Paired End Reads Guided Assembler
PERGA is a novel sequence reads guided de novo assembly approach which adopts greedy-like prediction strategy for assembling reads to contigs and scaffolds. Instead of using single-end reads to construct... - The R package GA provides a collection of general purpose functions for optimization using genetic algorithms. The package includes a flexible set of tools for implementing genetic algorithms search in both the continuous and discrete... - DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data.
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation... - An efficient tool called Connecting Overlapped Pair-End (COPE) reads, to connect overlapping pair-end reads using k-mer frequencies. We evaluated our tool on 30× simulated pair-end reads from Arabidopsis thaliana with 1% base error. COPE... - What is a k-mer anyway? A k-mer is just a sequence of k characters in a string (or nucleotides in a DNA sequence). Now, it is important to remember that to get all k-mers from a sequence you need to get... - KAT is a suite of tools that analyse jellyfish hashes or sequence files (fasta or fastq) using kmer counts. The following tools are currently available in KAT:
hist: Create an histogram of k-mer occurrences from a sequence file. Adds metadata in... - Moss (for a Measure Of Software Similarity) is an automatic system for determining the similarity of programs. To date, the main application of Moss has been in detecting plagiarism in programming classes. Since its development in 1994, Moss has... - The GMASS score is a novel measure for representing structural similarity between two assemblies. It will contribute to the understanding of assembly output and developing de novo...