- Download and install MUMmer
Align your assembly to a reference genome using nucmer (from MUMmer package)
$ nucmer -maxmatch -l 100 -c 500 REFERENCE.fa ASSEMBLY.fa -prefix OUT
Consult the MUMmer manual if you encounter problems
Optional: Gzip... - Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. It examines your assembly in detail and compares it to experimental evidence such as the sequencing reads, reporting quality scores for contigs and assemblies. This... - HM2 can process any diploid assemblies, but it is especially suitable for diploid assemblies with high heterozygosity (≥3%), which can be difficult for other tools. This pipeline also implements flexible and sensitive assembly error detection, a... - SvABA is a method for detecting structural variants in sequencing data using genome-wide local assembly. Under the hood, SvABA uses a custom implementation of SGA (String Graph Assembler) by Jared Simpson, and BWA-MEM by Heng Li....
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence... - HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation... - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ... - 2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific... - Supernova generates phased, whole-genome de novo assemblies from a Chromium-prepared library.
Please see Achieving Success with De Novo Assembly and System Requirements before creating your Chromium libraries for... - In this tutorial we assemble and annotate the genome of E. coli strain C-1. This strain is routinely used in experimental evolution studies involving bacteriophages. For instance, now classic works by Holly Wichman and Jim Bull (Bull 1997, Bull...