- Next-gen sequence data such as Illumina HiSeq reads. Data must be sorted into folders by taxon (e.g. species or genus). Paired reads in fastq format must be specified by _R1 and _R2 in the (otherwise identical) filenames. Paired and unpaired reads... - Perform Alignment-free k-tuple frequency comparisons from sequences. This can be in the form of two input files (e.g. a reference and a query) or a single file for pairwise comparisons to be made. - SMASH is a completely alignment-free method to find and visualise rearrangements between pairs of DNA sequences. The detection is based on relative compression, namely using a FCM, also known as Markov model, of high context order (typically... - RopeBWT2 is an tool for constructing the FM-index for a collection of DNA sequences. It works by incrementally inserting one or multiple sequences into an existing pseudo-BWT position by position, starting from the end of the sequences. This... - LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.
The Program first constructs all exact match pairs by a suffix-array based algorithm and extends them to long highly similar pairs. Then... - Kalign is a fast multiple sequence alignment program for biological sequences.
Align sequences and output the alignment in MSF format:
kalign -i BB11001.tfa -f msf -o out.msf
Align sequences and output the alignment in clustal format:
kalign... - Grinder is a versatile program to create random shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries based on DNA, RNA or proteic reference sequences provided in a FASTA file.
Grinder can produce genomic, metagenomic, transcriptomic, metatranscriptomic,... - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named...