www.repeatmasker.org - RMBlast is a RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI blastn program. The primary difference between this distribution and the NCBI distribution is the addition of a new program "rmblastn" for use with RepeatMasker and...
kablammo.wasmuthlab.org - Kablammo helps you create interactive visualizations of BLAST results from your web browser. Find your most interesting alignments, list detailed parameters for each, and export a publication-ready vector image, all without installing any...
www.kegg.jp - KOALA (KEGG Orthology And Links Annotation) is KEGG's internal annotation tool for K number assignment of KEGG GENES using SSEARCH computation. BlastKOALA and GhostKOALA assign K numbers to the user's sequence data...
github.com - HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes (as well as to a single reference genome). Based on an extension of BWT for...
www2.heatmapper.ca - Heatmapper is a freely available web server that allows users to interactively visualize their data in the form of heat maps through an easy-to-use graphical interface. Heatmapper is a versatile tool that allows users to easily create a wide variety...
hoffmann.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de - segemehl is a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes. Unlike other methods, segemehl is able to detect not only mismatches but also insertions and deletions. Furthermore, segemehl is not limited to a specific read length and is...
bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org - Summary: Mate pair library sequencing is an effective and economical method for detecting genomic structural variants and chromosomal abnormalities. Unfortunately, the mapping and alignment of mate pair read pairs to a reference genome is a...