Experience in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) application and interest in Genomics/ Clinical / Translational Applications. OR Good computational programming skills and deep interest in working on interface of Genomics and Clinical application....
biocontainers.pro - BioContainers is a community-driven project that provides the infrastructure and basic guidelines to create, manage and distribute bioinformatics packages (e.g conda) and containers (e.g docker, singularity). BioContainers is based on the popular...
http://phylobabble.org/ - Welcome to phylobabble.org, a discussion forum for phylogenetic theory and applications. The primary goal of this forum is to discuss best practice and new developments in phylogenetics. Although we do have a Troubleshooting category for getting...
http://docs.bpipe.org/ - Bpipe provides a platform for running big bioinformatics jobs that consist of a series of processing stages - known as 'pipelines'.
January 20th, 2016 - New! Bpipe 0.9.9 released!
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Each year, INRAE organises open competitions to recruit research scientists on permanent positions. The recruitment campaign is generally aimed at researchers who have recently obtained their PhD. Candidates are recruited on the basis of their...
rna.sysu.edu.cn - ChIPBase v2.0 is an open database for studying the transcription factor binding sites and motifs, and decoding the transcriptional regulatory networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs, other ncRNAs and protein-coding genes from ChIP-seq data. Our database...
www.nasa.gov - The NASA Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) enables access to space-related data from experiments and missions that investigate biological and health responses of terrestrial life to spaceflight. The goal of OSDR is to enable multi-modal and...
Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate (RA) in the ICAR project on "Lactation stress associated postpartum anestrus SNP array in buffaloes". We are looking for a motivated candidate for handling Next Generation sequencing data...
sfg.stanford.edu - This website and accompaning documents are intended as a tool to help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinformatics skills. It covers...