- Rebaler is a program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads. It relies mainly on minimap2 for alignment and Racon for making consensus sequences.
I made Rebaler for bacterial genomes (specifically for the... - Tinycov is a small standalone command line utility written in python to plot the coverage of a BAM file quickly. This software was inspired by Matt Edwards' genome coverage plotter.
To install the stable version: pip3 install --user... - FinisherSC, a repeat-aware and scalable tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads. Experiments with real data suggest that FinisherSC can provide longer and higher quality contigs than existing tools while maintaining high... - npScarf ( is a program that scaffolds and completes draft genomes assemblies in real-time with Oxford Nanopore sequencing. The pipeline can run on a computing cluster as well as on a laptop computer for microbial datasets. It... - Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The algorithm uses an A-Bruijn graph to find the overlaps between reads and does not require them to be error-corrected. After... - HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig... - Call sviper
~$ ./sviper -s short-reads.bam -l long-reads.bam -r ref.fa -c variants.vcf -o polished_variants
This will output a polished_variants.vcf file, that contains all the refined variants.
Sometimes it is helpful to look at the... - MitoHiFi v3.2 is a python pipeline distributed under MIT License !
MitoHiFi was first developed to assemble the mitogenomes for a wide range of species in the Darwin Tree of Life Project... - LRCstats is an open-source pipeline for benchmarking DNA long read correction algorithms for long reads outputted by third generation sequencing technology such as machines produced by Pacific Biosciences. The reads produced by third generation...