talgalili.github.io - This work is based on ggplot2 and plotly.js engine. It produces similar heatmaps as d3heatmap, with the advantage of speed (plotly.js is able to handle larger size matrix), and the ability to zoom from the dendrogram.
heatmaply also provides an...
orthovenn3.bioinfotoolkits.net - OrthoVenn3 is a powerful tool for comparative genomics analysis, used as a web server for full genome comparisons, annotation, and evolutionary analysis of orthologous clusters across multiple species. It has already been used by thousands of users...
github.com - The NanoPack tools are written in Python3 and released under the GNU GPL3.0 License. The source code can be found at https://github.com/wdecoster/nanopack, together with links to separate scripts and their documentation. The scripts are compatible...
github.com - OMTools, an efficient and intuitive data processing and visualization suite to handle and explore large-scale optical mapping profiles. OMTools includes modules for visualization (OMView), data processing and simulation. These modules together form...
www.nasa.gov - The NASA Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) enables access to space-related data from experiments and missions that investigate biological and health responses of terrestrial life to spaceflight. The goal of OSDR is to enable multi-modal and...
They study the foundations of mammalian reproduction, with particular focus on sex chromosome biology and evolution, the fetal origins of gametes, and infertility.
PI webpage : http://pagelab.wi.mit.edu/david_page.html
Ted Presentation :...
Using RNA-Guided Endonuclease (RGEN) technology or CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering technology, CNIO and CNIC researchers have shown that it is possible to obtain such chromosomal translocations.
My research group consists primarily of computer science graduate students and postdocs with expertise in algorithms, statistical inferences and machine learning, and sharing a passion for understanding fundamental biological problems.
We work in...
Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Current research interests include next-generation DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangements in cancer and evolution, and network analysis of somatic...
www.stats.ox.ac.uk - Pattern searching holds much importance for biologists , for the understanding of DNA ( and its functionality) can be more than a matter of satisfying curiosity , but also give answers to many issuess uchas medical conditions . However,there are a...