- EXCAVATOR, for the detection of copy number variants (CNVs) from whole-exome sequencing data. EXCAVATOR combines a three-step normalization procedure with a novel heterogeneous hidden Markov model algorithm and a calling method that classifies... - Parliament2 identifies structural variants in a given sample relative to a reference genome. These structural variants cover large deletion events that are called as Deletions of a region, Insertions of a sequence into a region, Duplications of a... - Ktrim is written in C++ for GNU Linux/Unix platforms. After uncompressing the source package, you can find an executable file ktrim under bin/ directory compiled using g++ v4.8.5 and linked with libz... - Long-read sequencing technologies have become increasingly popular in genome projects due to their strengths in resolving complex genomic regions. As a leading model organism with small genome size and great biotechnological importance, the budding... - gSearch compares sequence variants in the Genome Variation Format (GVF) or Variant Call Format (VCF) with a pre-compiled annotation or with variants in other genomes. Its search algorithms are subsequently optimized and implemented in a... - Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. The goal of Bactopia is to process your data with a broad set of tools, so that you can get to the fun part of analyses quicker!
Bactopia can be split into two main... - This package is intended to provide tools for the quality assessment of data produced by Oxford Nanopore’s MinION sequencer. It includes a functions to generate a number plots for examining the statistics that we think will be useful for this... - CoNvex Gap-cost alignMents for Long Reads (ngmlr) is a long-read mapper designed to sensitively align PacBilo or Oxford Nanopore to (large) reference genomes. It was designed to quickly and correctly align the reads, including those spanning... - Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads. Porechop... - judi comes from the idea of bringing the power and efficiency of doit to execute any kind of task under many combinations of parameter settings.