osprey.thebiogrid.org - Osprey is a software platform for the visualization of complex biological interaction networks. Osprey builds data-rich graphical representations from Gene Ontology (GO) annotated interaction data maintained by the BioGRID.
Osprey is...
christophergandrud.github.io - Mike Bostock’s D3.js is great for creating interactive network graphs with JavaScript. The d3Network package makes it easy to create these network graphs from R. The main idea is that you should able to take...
github.com - PANEV (PAthway NEtwork Visualizer) is an R package set for gene/pathway-based network visualization. Based on information available on KEGG, it visualizes genes within a network of multiple levels (from 1 to n) of interconnected upstream and...
chagall.med.cornell.edu - Institute of computational biomedicine, Cornell University provide an NGS workshop tutorial at http://chagall.med.cornell.edu/NGScourse/
You can also add your favourite NGS educational material, or workshop tutorial by commenting on this...
http://busco.ezlab.org/ - Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs
More at http://busco.ezlab.org/
www.sciencedirect.com - MyPro is an improved genomics software pipeline for prokaryotic genomes. MyPro is user-friendly and requires minimal programming skills. High-quality prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation can be obtained with ease. It performed better than de...
github.com - TULIP currently consists of two Perl scripts, tulipseed.perl and tulipbulb.perl. These are very much intended as prototypes, and additional components and/or implementations are likely to follow.
Tulipseed takes as input alignments files of long...
github.com - The variantcalling.nf nextflow script will take any number of samples with paired-end reads in FASTQ format, map reads using Bowtie2, process BAM files, and finally call variants using BCFtools v1.21 and/or Freebayes v1.3.6. If part of the...
https://dfast.nig.ac.jp/ - We developed a prokaryotic genome annotation pipeline, DFAST, that also supports genome submission to public sequence databases. DFAST was originally started as an on-line annotation server, and to date, over 7,000 jobs have been processed since its...