- OrganellarGenomeDRAW converts annotations in the GenBank or EMBL/ENA format into graphical maps. The input has to be a GenBank or EMBL/ENA flat file wherase the output can vary among several types of files.... - Generate unique k-mers for every contig in a FASTA file.
Unique k-mer is consisted of k-mer keys (i.e. ATCGATCCTTAAGG) that are only presented in one contig, but not presented in any other contigs (for both forward and reverse strands).
This tool... - This meeting's objective was to obtain a big picture look at the current state of the field of comparative genomics with a focus on commonalities across genomic investigations into humans, model organisms (both traditional and...
Cost-effective whole human genome sequencing has revolutionized the landscape of genetic research and personalized medicine by making comprehensive genetic analysis accessible to a wider population. Through advancements in sequencing technologies,...
Dr. Rob Edwards describes some of the problems, challenges, and approches in genome annotation, with a particular emphasis on how the Fellowship for the Interpretation of Genomes (FIG) developed subsystems using the SEED database available at... - Pollux: General-purpose error corrector that corrects errors introduced by Illumina, Ion Torrent, and Roche 454 sequencing technologies and can be applied to single- or mixed-genome data. In addition to correcting substitution errors, we locate and... - D-GENIES – for Dotplot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way – is an online tool designed to compare two genomes. It supports large genome and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation.
We use minimap... - Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. The goal of Bactopia is to process your data with a broad set of tools, so that you can get to the fun part of analyses quicker!
Bactopia can be split into two main...