www.darwintreeoflife.org - The specimens were collected by the Oxford Wytham Woods and Edinburgh Lohse lab teams. DNA extraction and sequencing was carried out by the Sanger Institute Scientific Operations teams. Assemblies were carried out by the Tree of Life team (Shane...
github.com - an integrated bioinformatics pipeline for the detection of TE insertions in whole-genome shotgun data, called McClintock (https://github.com/bergmanlab/mcclintock), which automatically runs and standardizes output for multiple TE detection methods....
github.com - GraphUnzip, a fast, memory-efficient and accurate tool to unzip assembly graphs into their constituent haplotypes using long reads and/or Hi-C data. As GraphUnzip only connects sequences in the assembly graph that already had a potential link based...
GATB Library. The Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph. A large part of tools developed by the GenScale team are based on this library.These methods enable the analysis of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop...
Once your research group is ready to make a larger investment and hire a bioinformatician to gain a competitive edge, there are several key traits to seek out in potential candidates. The best bioinformatician are:-
eyechrom.com - It's goal is to show chromosmal data per genus. Select the genus, and the plot will show the records found for it in the Chromosome Counts Database. note: Report an issue via Gihub: github.com/roszenil/CCDBcurator and...