- The NanoPack tools are written in Python3 and released under the GNU GPL3.0 License. The source code can be found at, together with links to separate scripts and their documentation. The scripts are compatible...
GATB Library. The Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph. A large part of tools developed by the GenScale team are based on this library.These methods enable the analysis of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop... - Platypus is a tool designed for efficient and accurate variant-detection in high-throughput sequencing data. By using local realignment of reads and local assembly it achieves both high sensitivity and high specificity. Platypus can detect... - VariantBam is a tool to extract/count specific sets of sequencing reads from next-generational sequencing files. To save money, disk space and I/O, one may not want to store an entire BAM on disk. In many cases, it would be more efficient to store... - LoFreq* (i.e. LoFreq version 2) is a fast and sensitive variant-caller for inferring SNVs and indels from next-generation sequencing data. It makes full use of base-call qualities and other sources of errors inherent in sequencing (e.g. mapping or... - NextSV, a meta SV caller and a computational pipeline to perform SV calling from low coverage long-read sequencing data. NextSV integrates three aligners and three SV callers and generates two integrated call sets (sensitive/stringent) for different... - BFC is a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data. It is specifically designed for high-coverage whole-genome human data, though also performs well for small genomes.
The BFC algorithm is a... - vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data. - Key features
Filters SNVs from any variant caller to remove false positives
Calculates metrics based on BAM files and provides filtering not possible with other tools
Fully user-configurable filtering (including which filters to use and their... - Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like...