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This also includes:
A2Amapper: ATAC, Assembly to Assembly Comparision tool:
Comparative mapping between two genome assemblies (same species), or between two different genomes (cross...
Fungal research is a rapidly growing field with vast implications for medicine, agriculture, and industry. For bioinformaticians, the availability of specialized resources—databases, tools, and community platforms—opens doors to innovative... - DNA Nucleotide Counter is delivered in a DNA Baser package together with other free molecular biology tools. Download the package and double click it. The programs inside the package will be extracted to the destination folder (specified...
List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage
ALF A Simulation Framework for Genome Evolution Serial SimCoal Bayesian Serial SimCoal, (BayeSSC) is a modification of... - DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequence aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some...
Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics
The Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics (BioinfoLab) is hosted at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" - CNR . The...
To facilitate bilateral cooperation in biotechnology between the scientific communities of India and Germany, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) will soon begin collaborative research in the identified priority area of 'Bioinformatics in Health...