evomics.org - Variant Calling - Resequencing-Based Genome Inference
Erik GarrisonUniversity of Tennessee Health Science CenterWorkshop on Genomics - Český KrumlovJanuary 12,...
github.com - Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is...
genome.sph.umich.edu - vt is a variant tool set that discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data.
github.com - Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs
Given benchmark and comparsion sets of SVs, calculate the recall, precision, and f-measure.
Spiral Genetics
In Bio-informatics based genome sequencing and predicting metabolic pathways research jobs I used Matlab, SAS, SPSS, R and several Bioconductor packages. Matlab had a lot of powerful tools and was easy to use, whereas SPSS is for...
Statistical functional genomics in experimental medicine
The genome projects and the accelerated development of high-throughput genomic technologies such as microarrays have revolutionised biology. Making the most of this revolution requires the...
2013 NextGen Genomics & Bioinformatics Technologies (NGBT) Conference
SciGenom Research Foundation (SGRF) and Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) are pleased to host the Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for...
Psoriasis is immune-mediated disease that effects the skin. the Disease on an average affects about 10-20 million Indians and it attacks the immune system of human beings. In generally occurs, when the immune system mistakes a normal skin cell for a...