www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Tbl2asn is a command-line program that automates the creation of sequence records for submission to GenBank. It uses many of the same functions as Sequin but is driven generally by data files. Tbl2asn generates .sqn files for submission to GenBank....
sourceforge.net - Modern genome sequencing strategies are highly sensitive to contamination making the detection of foreign DNA sequences an important part of analysis pipelines. Here we use Taxoblast, a simple pipeline with a graphical user interface, for the...
emboss.sourceforge.net - needleall reads a set of input sequences and compares them all to one or more sequences, writing their optimal global sequence alignments to file. It uses the Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithm to find the optimum alignment (including gaps) of two...
www.nature.com - Segmental Duplication Assembler (SDA; https://github.com/mvollger/SDA) constructs graphs in which paralogous sequence variants define the nodes and long-read sequences provide attraction and repulsion edges, enabling the partition and assembly of...
genomebiology.biomedcentral.com - The well-established inaccuracy of purely computational methods for annotating genome sequences necessitates an interactive tool to allow biological experts to refine these approximations by viewing and independently evaluating the data supporting...
github.com - GFA (Graphical Fragment Assembly) is an emerging standard format for representing sequence graphs. Although it was originally conceived as a format for sequence assembly (hence the name), and this remains its core application, it is more general,...
csb5.github.io - LoFreq* (i.e. LoFreq version 2) is a fast and sensitive variant-caller for inferring SNVs and indels from next-generation sequencing data. It makes full use of base-call qualities and other sources of errors inherent in sequencing (e.g. mapping or...
github.com - RNA-Bloom is a fast and memory-efficient de novo transcript sequence assembler. It is designed for the following sequencing data types:
single-end/paired-end bulk RNA-seq (strand-specific/agnostic)
paired-end single-cell RNA-seq...
bioinformatics.um6p.ma - AlignStatPlot, a new R package and online tool that is well-documented and easy-to usefor MSA and post-MSA analysis. This tool performs both traditional and cutting-edge analy-ses on sequencing data and generates new visualisation methods for MSA...
github.com - MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge protein sequence sets. MMseqs2 is open source GPL-licensed software implemented in C++ for Linux, MacOS, and (as beta version, via cygwin) Windows. The...