www.cs.helsinki.fi - LoRMA is a tool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads such those produced by Pacific Biosciences sequencing machines.
L. Salmela, R. Walve, E. Rivals, and E. Ukkonen: Accurate selfcorrection of errors in long reads using de...
www.niehs.nih.gov - ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. ART simulates sequencing reads by mimicking real sequencing process with empirical error models or quality profiles summarized from large recalibrated...
github.com - A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation
C Chiang, R M Layer, G G Faust, M R Lindberg, D B Rose, E P Garrison, G T Marth, A R Quinlan, and I M Hall. SpeedSeq: ultra-fast personal genome analysis and interpretation. Nat Meth...
github.com - The following software packages are known to be compatible with PacBio® data, in addition to PacBio's own SMRT® Analysis suite. All packages are believed to be open source or freely available for non-commercial use. See the individual...
www.phrap.org - Supports Illumina, 454, other Next-Gen and Sanger Reads and allows mixtures of these read types
Consed includes BamScape which can view bam files with unlimited numbers of reads. BamScape can bring up consed to edit reads and the reference sequence...
github.com - Created by Stephen Johnson, Brett Trost, Dr. Jeffrey R. Long, Dr. Anthony Kusalik University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science
BEAR is intended to be an easy-to-use collection of scripts for generating simulated WGS metagenomic reads...
github.com - Third generation sequencing (TGS) are highly promising technologies but the long and noisy reads from TGS are difficult to align using existing algorithms. Here, we present COSINE, a conceptually new method designed specifically for aligning long...
kakitone.github.io - FinisherSC, a repeat-aware and scalable tool for upgrading de novo assembly using long reads. Experiments with real data suggest that FinisherSC can provide longer and higher quality contigs than existing tools while maintaining high...
github.com - DBG2OLC:Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes Using Long Erroneous Reads of the Third Generation Sequencing Technologies
Our work is published in Scientific Reports:
Ye, C. et al. DBG2OLC: Efficient Assembly of Large Genomes Using Long Erroneous...