- RagTag is a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies. Tasks include:
Homology-based misassembly correction
Homology-based assembly scaffolding and patching
Scaffold merging
There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in September 2021:
SPAdes: An assembler specifically designed for...
GATB Library. The Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph. A large part of tools developed by the GenScale team are based on this library.These methods enable the analysis of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop...
Bioinformatician uses servers for computational analysis. Sometime we need to check the server details before running our programs or tools. Here I am showing some basic commands using them you can gather the system/server information.To check what... - SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high performance computing.
This page is a HOWTO guide for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7...
Follow this:
Settings file
Your web server does not have permission to create the settings.php file in your installation directory. You have two choices:
1. Change the permissions on the elgg-config directory of your Elgg... - dbCAN is a web server and DataBase for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation, funded by the BioEnergy Science Center of the DOE. Similar resources on the web include CAZy database and CAT. All... - BUSCA (Bologna Unified Subcellular Component Annotator) is a web-server for predicting protein subcellular localization. BUSCA integrates different tools to predict localization-related protein features (DeepSig, TPpred3, PredGPI and ENSEMBLE3.0) as... - Data on protein-drug and protein-chemical interactions are rapidly accumulating in databases such as DrugBank and STITCH. These data usually reflect observed interactions, while the lack of data for a given protein-drug/chemical pair...