I would like to invite everyone interested in the subject of machine learning in life science, to test APMC module,
it`s a fully automatic tool (created by students) to simply create and develop supervised machine learning models
NVIDIA and the Arc Institute have introduced Evo 2, a groundbreaking AI model designed to understand, predict, and generate DNA sequences. This marks a major advancement in computational biology, offering scientists an unprecedented tool to decode...
Experience in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) application and interest in Genomics/ Clinical / Translational Applications. OR Good computational programming skills and deep interest in working on interface of Genomics and Clinical application....
This script is one of my old script to detect some centromeric pattern in chromosomes. User can also control the number of mismatches allowed through command line ..
To run:
perl centro.pl
R Graphical Cookbook by Winston Chang
A very nice book by Winston Chang for R ethusiast. The R code presented in these pages is the R code actually used to produce the Figures in the book. There will be differences compared to the code chunks shown...
homes.sice.indiana.edu - Machine learning techniques have been successful in analyzing biological data because of their capabilities in handling randomness and uncertainty of data noise and in generalization. In this class, we will learn basics about probabilistic models...
gitlab.com - CrowdGO is a protein Gene Ontology predictor using a meta approach, analyzing the predictions of other tools in order to get an improved precision and recall.
Please note that the CrowdGO snakemake workflow is currently only tested on Ubuntu. It...
Computer Aided Protein Structure Prediction; Identification of Vaccine
Candidates (T-Epitope prediction); Analysis of Nucleotide/Protein Sequences; Development of Web Server/
Software; Creation of Public Domain Resources in Biology