- Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. The goal of Bactopia is process your data with a broad set of tools, so that you can get to the fun part of analyses quicker!
Bactopia was inspired by Staphopia, a... - Unicycler is an assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes. It can assemble Illumina-only read sets where it functions as a SPAdes-optimiser. It can also assembly long-read-only sets (PacBio or Nanopore) where it runs... - What is PhyloHerb: PhyloHerb is a wrapper program to process genome skimming data collected from plant materials. The outcomes include the plastid genome (plastome) assemblies, mitochondrial genome assemblies, nuclear ribosomal DNAs... - The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. The application itself is based on an RCP-Eclipse-Environment (Rich-Client-Platform) which offers a huge... - Shovill is a pipeline which uses SPAdes at its core, but alters the steps before and after the primary assembly step to get similar results in less time. Shovill also supports other assemblers like SKESA, Velvet and Megahit, so you can take... - GTDB-Tk is a software toolkit for assigning objective taxonomic classifications to bacterial and archaeal genomes. It is computationally efficient and designed to work with recent advances that allow hundreds or thousands of metagenome-assembled... - Proksee is an expert system for genome assembly, annotation and visualization. To begin using Proksee, provide a complete genome sequence, sequencing reads or a CGView/Proksee map JSON file. - This tool allows to retrieve number of cleavages yielded by commercially available endonucleases in up-to-date sequenced prokaryotic genomes. When the number of fragments is bellow 50, Pulse Field gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) is simulated.
A tool for... - Run a pipeline processing fast5s to a consensus in a single command.
Recommended fixed "standard" and "fast" pipelines.
Interchange basecaller, assembler, and consensus components of the pipelines simply by changing the target filepath.
Seemless... - Ancestral Genomes ( is a resource for comprehensive reconstructions of these ‘fossil genomes’. Comprehensive sets of protein-coding genes have been reconstructed for 78 genomes of now-extinct species...