dash.plot.ly - Dash is a web application framework that provides pure Python abstraction around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Dash Bio is a suite of bioinformatics components that make it simpler to analyze and visualize bioinformatics data and interact with them in...
bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org - QUAST evaluates genome assemblies. For metagenomes, please see MetaQUAST project.It can works both with and without a given reference genome.The tool accepts multiple assemblies, thus is suitable for comparison.
http://ani.mypathogen.cn/ - ANItools is a software package written by PERL scripts that can be run in a Linux/Unix system. If you want to compare bacterial genomes and calculate their average nucleotide identity (ANI), you could download and run this program directly. Or you...
Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants
Department of Genetics
University of Delhi South Campus
NEW DELHI – 110 021
1 Research...
github.com - GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants...
genomearchitect.github.io - Web Apollo is the first instantaneous, collaborative genomic annotation editor available on the web. One of the natural consequences following from current advances in sequencing technology is that there are more and more researchers sequencing new...
http://mgcv.cmbi.ru.nl/ - MGcV is an interactive web-based visalization tool tailored to facilitate small scale genome analysis. To start using MGcV:
Supply your genes/genomic segments/phylogenetic tree of interest in the input-box by
selecting the type of identifier...
eugi.bi.up.ac.za - swgis v2.0 is the modified version of the seqword genomic island sniffer. this version is specifically optimized for predicting genomic islands in eukaryotic genomes. swgis v2.0 was tested on several eukaryotic species of different lineages....
genomearchitect.github.io - Apollo is a plug-in for the JBrowse Genome Viewer.
In addition to genes and pseudogenes, users can annotate ncRNAs (snRNA, snoRNA, tRNA, rRNA), miRNAs, repeat regions, and transposable elements; each annotation type has its own...