Results for "Extract"




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Wire posts

  • perl -nle 'if (/^>/) { $sl = 0; print; next } next if ($sl >= 200); $_ = substr($_, 0, 200-$sl) if ($sl + length($_) > 200); $sl += length($_); print;' file.fa >new.fa #Perl #Extract #Fasta

    3664 days ago

  • Extract list of read ID from bam file: samtools view mbi.sorted.bam |perl -ne '/ID/ && print' > extractedID.sam #Extract #Ids #SAM #BAM #NGS

    3677 days ago

  • +21 more Wire posts


  • Illumina Smartphone Chip !!!

    ...while the core technology is computational, it takes some 30 steps to extract genetic data and run it throu...simplified on mobile devices, given the fact that some studies require extracting 10 mililiters of blood. Il...

    3456 days ago

Opportunity posts

  • Summer 2016

    ...ll support many of these studies. The REU student will work with the lab to bioinformatically identify Y-chromosome SNPs, design SNPtype assays, extract DNA, genotype samples, and an...

    3039 days ago

ResearchLabs posts

  • Zhang Lab

    We develop and use integrative bioinformatics approaches to extract biological meanings from experimental data and generate hypotheses for experimental validation. Please explore our website to learn more about our people and our research. More at

    3458 days ago

