Results for "benchmarking and designing tools"


  • 10 NGS services companies around the globe !

    ...iotech AG was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Constance...rvices, including bioservices tools, pipelines and workflows, c...protocol optimization, probe designing, array layouts, project designing, and nucleic acid analysis to...ries, namely, BGI China (Mainland), BGI Asia Pacific, BGI America...

    1287 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ● Merfin – k-mer-based assembly and variant calling evaluation fo...29)● svpack – tools for filtering, comparing, and annotating structural variant (...eer-advice-and-bioinformatics-tools-at-smrt-leiden-2021/  

    1020 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads basic research into why and how they live, as well as in...have an idea of what you have and what the standard is like. If...checking and assembly metric tools:QUA...d mappings. Genome finishing tools:Semi-automated gap fillers:Ga...r -

    1232 days ago

  • Run bash script in Perl program !

    BioPerl is a compilation of Perl modules that can be used to bu...evelopment of source codes, standalone software/tools, and algorithms in bioinformatics...atics software, such as the standalone version of 'alienomics',...3(my $o ut, my $in, 'command arg1 arg2'); OR without using...

    665 days ago

  • Ancient whole genome duplication (WGD) detection tools !

    There are two methods for ancient WGD detection, one is collinearity analysis, and the other is based on the /webtools/i-adhore/licensing/Agree to...Download the tutorial for CDS and GFF a...analysis viz: draw histogram and density plot wf1: Ks standard...

    1183 days ago

  • Frequently used bioinformatics tools for viral genome analysis !

    IVA: accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes. Hunt M, Ga...aluation of genome assemblies and assembly algorithms. Salzberg...46 (2014). MUMmer: Versatile and open software for comparing l...cids Res. 39, e57 (2011). SAMtools: Th...Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Li, H. et al. Bioinformatics...

    1075 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps ! alignment (Bowtie 2) Sort and index alignments (SAMtools) Primer sequence removal (...lignment-level QC (picard, SAMtools) Genome-wide and amplicon coverage QC plots (mos...t variants across callers (BCFTools) De novo assembly Primer...

    905 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments. &bu...roteins (even containing hundreds of thousands of sequences). • ...-Grabysz, A., Gudys, A., FAMSA: Fast and accur..., M., Deorowicz, S., KMC 3: counting and m...

    891 days ago

  • List of comparative genomics resources !

    3D-GENOMICS -- A Database to Compare Structural and Functional Annotations of Pro...Phylemon -- A suite of web tools for molecular evolution, phylogen...ite of more than 20 different tools from the most popular stand-a...e resource for identifying or designing 'universal' overgo-hybrid...

    705 days ago

  • Tools for Sequence translation !

    BOrf - CodAn - EMBOSS-Sixpack - esl-trans...

    572 days ago