Results for "generates"




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ResearchLabs posts

  • Jarvis’ laboratory

    Dr. Jarvis’ laboratory studies the neurobiology of vocal communication. We want to know how the brain generates, perceives, and learns behavior. We use vocal communication as a model b...

    3728 days ago



  • mutatrix: a population genome simulator which generates simulated genomes.

    genome simulation across a population with zeta-distributed allele frequency, snps, insertions, deletions, and multi-nucleotide polymorphisms More at ./mutatrix -S sample -P test/ -p 2 -n 10 reference.fasta

    Tags: mutatrix, population, genome, simulator, generates, simulated, genomes, ngs, test

    1586 days ago

  • BioJupies: Automatically Generates RNA-seq Data Analysis Notebooks

    With BioJupies you can produce in seconds a customized, reusable, and interactive report from your own raw or processed RNA-seq data through a simple user interface BioJupies now supports user accounts! Sign in from the top right corner of the page for access to unlimited private notebooks, RNA-...

    Tags: BioJupies, Automatically, Generates, RNA-seq, Data, Analysis, Notebooks

    1259 days ago
