Results for "Words"



  • Largest Genome Sequenced

    The enormous size of the loblolly pine genome having 22 billion base pairs compared to only 3 billion in the human genome. In other words, it is seven times larger than a human&...

    3737 days ago

  • Carrot2 clustering engine

    ...iption, very fast. Available as part of the open source Carrot2 framework k-means: base line clustering algorithm, produces bag-of-words style cluster descriptions. A...

    433 days ago

Discussion topics

  • Compressive Genomics

    ...well be that the number of complete genome sequences being stored is increasing rapidly, but the actual amount of new data is very small. In other words, a single DNA sequence isn't...

    3959 days ago


Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Print all possible 2 combination of words ( ATGC): $letter = join',','A','T','G','C'; @abc=glob "{$letter}{$letter}"; foreach (@abc) { print "$_\n"; } #Perl #PerlTrick #TipsOftheDay

    3262 days ago

  • Extract values : cat seeALN.xls | grep -w "scaffold_1" to #grep #exact #matching words from file seeALN.xls

    2677 days ago


  • Edit DNA !!!

    ...ago, may provide scientists with unprecedented power to rewrite the code of life. This means a genome can be edited, much as a writer might change words or fix spelling errors. It al...

    3753 days ago

Opportunity posts

  • IBSE Post-doctoral Fellowships

    ...known, level of proficiency and certification if any (attach a single PDF or link to Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive) A research proposal (500-750 words) listing preferred research a...

    1322 days ago




