Results for "genome"


  • The Rogers Lab

    The Rogers lab studies evolution of genome structure. We explore the ways that complex mutations like duplications, deletions, rearrangements, and retrogenes can create new genetic material. We study how these new mutations are important for adaptation. We are currently working on projects in Dro...

    Tags: Rebekah, Rogers, evolution, genome, structure

    1797 days ago

  • Liu Lab

    Shirley is a computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. Her research focuses on algorithm development and integrative mining from big data generated on microarrays, massively parallel sequencing, and other high throughput techniques to model the specificity and function of tran...

    Tags: computational, biology, cancer, epigenetics, genome, bioinformatics

    1593 days ago

  • Pollard Lab

    We are a bioinformatics research lab focused on developing novel methods and using them to study genome evolution, organization, and regulation. Our mission is to decode biomedical knowledge that is missed without rigorous statistical approaches. Tools http://docpo...

    Tags: Katie, Pollard, Bioinformatics, method, genome, regulation, stats

    1359 days ago

  • Svardal lab

    In the Svardal lab they are interested how the astonishing natural diversity we see on earth came into being, by which forces it formed and how it is changing today. Hence, they are trying to understand the process of evolution, with mathematical models and through the analysis of genome sequenci...

    Tags: adaptation, genome, evolutionm pattern, Svaedal, nature, fish, cichlid

    1211 days ago

  • Josefa González Lab

    Lab focus on understanding how organisms adapt to their environments. They combine omics approaches with detailed molecular and phenotypic analyses to get a comprehensive picture of adaptation. Our aim at being internationally recognized as a leading lab in the field of environmental adaptation. ...

    Tags: adaptation, genome, fly, repeats, transposable, elements

    1031 days ago

  • Bioinfo Lab

    The Institute of Bioinformatics conducts internationally renowned research and provides profound education in bioinformatics. Its research focuses on development and application of machine learning and statistical methods in biology and medicine. Contact: Computer Science Building (Science Pa...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, machine, learning, Austria, genome

    835 days ago

  • BIGRE Lab

    The Laboratoire de Bioinformatique des Génomes et des Réseaux (Genome and Network Bioinformatics) is specialized in the conception, implementation, evaluation and application of bioinformatics approaches for the analysis of genome, transcriptome, proteome and metabolism. Our main activities incl...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Belgium, Genome, Transcriptome, Proteome, Metabolism

    3863 days ago

  • Claus-Peter Stelzer Lab

    Interested in various topics at the intersection of ecology and evolution. In my research I use rotifers as model organisms for experimental studies at the individual and population level. Rotifers are ideally suited for this, because populations of thousands can be kept in small containers in th...

    Tags: Claus-Peter Stelzer, Rotifer, Lab, Group, Research, Evolution, Genome, Ecology

    1188 days ago

  • Roth Lab

    The Roth Lab seeks insight into biological systems through genome- and proteome-scale experimentation and analysis. Current computational interests: Systematic analysis of genetic epistasis to identify redundant or compensatory systems and to reveal order of action in genetic pathways. Usi...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Proteome, Genome, University of Toronto, Ontario, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachussets, USA

    3749 days ago

  • Nuclear Dynamics Lab

    Lab focus is to elucidate fundamental principles, new mechanisms, machineries and emergent properties that are involved in maintaining the genome and gene expression programmes for improvements in lifelong health and well-being for all. More at

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Chromosome, Nuclear, Genome, Babraham Institute, United Kingdom

    3621 days ago