Results for "GA"


  • bash script to extract sequence by ids !

    ...1 TTCAAGTGTTAGTTTCACATCAT >BGI_novel_T018109 Solyc03g080075.1.1 GCAAGGGAAAGAAGTATTACTAG > out.fasta Output: >BGI_novel_T016697 Solyc03g033550.3.1 CTGACGTATACAATTAAGCCGCG >BGI_nove...

    882 days ago

  • Install GATK 4 using conda !

    #GATK is a toolkit developed by the First let’s download and unzip GATK from github. The creators of GATK recommend running GATK thro...o create a virtual environment for GATK by using the yaml file incl...

    870 days ago

  • Update conda !

    ...| h7b6447c_0 2.6 MB gawk-5.1.0 | SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel: gawk conda-for...####################################### | 100% gawk-5.1.0 | 1007 KB...

    844 days ago

  • Conda command to install checkV

    ...h166bdaf_0 2.1 MB conda-forge prodigal-gv-2.9.0 | h7...arch::more-itertools-8.13.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0 prodigal-gv bioconda/linux-64:...################################## | 100% prodigal-gv-2.9.0 | 916 KB | ##...

    694 days ago

  • Script to rapid genome clustering based on pairwise ANI

    First, create a blast+ database: makeblastdb -in -dbtype nucl -out Next, use megablast from blast+ package to perform all-vs-all blastn of sequences: blastn -query -db -outfm...

    694 days ago

  • Genome Scaffolding and gap filling !

    scaffolding with ARCS v1.0.3 (−c3, −l,4, −a,0.9, −z500, −m50, −20 000, −e30000, −s90). Next, automated gap filling was performed using Sealer v2.0.1 (−L150, -P10, −k75-115 [step = 10])

    679 days ago

  • Identify genome-wide synteny with LASTZ alignment

    ...gnment using LASTZ and Chain/Net lastz AAChr1.txt FFChr1.txt K=2200 L=6000 Y=3400 E=30 H=0 O=400 T=1 --format=axt --out=chr01.axt axtChain -linearGap=medium chr01.axt AAChr1.txt...

    576 days ago

  • Perl script to find edit distance between two sequences !

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub edit_distance { my ($s1, $s2) = @_; my $len1 = length($s1); my $len2 = length($s2); my @dp; for (my $i = 0; $i

    483 days ago

  • Raku script to find palindrome in genomes !

    ...bstring) { say "Palindrome found at position $pos: $substring"; } } } } # Example usage my $dna = "GGATCCATGGCCTAGG"; # example DNA...

    483 days ago

  • Perl script for chi-squared test !

    ...nings; use Getopt::Long; use FAlite; # sanity checks die "Usage: \n" if (!$ARGV[1]); my @dinucs = qw (AA AC AG AT CA CC CG CT GA GC GG GT TA TC TG TT); # h...

    470 days ago