Results for "replace"


  • AWK for beginners !

    ...many of which rely heavily on regular expressions. # Search and replace, first instance (sub) or all instances (gsub) # Both return number of matches replaced localvar = "fooooobar";...

    1982 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for beginners !

    ...s//\n/' all.sent.classOnly > all.sent.classOnly.sep Replace all occurrences of pattern1 (...delete every character that is not a letter, white space or line end (replace with nothing) perl -pne&...

    1527 days ago

  • +1 more Blogs


  • Tetra-Nucleotide Analysis weak, phylogenetic signals. Even though tetra-nucleotide analysis (TNA) utilizes the information of whole genome, it is evident that it cannot replace other alignment-based phyloge...

    2704 days ago


  • Clean the FASTA file

    Mostly FASTA file contain NNN characters, which can be replace by random A T G C character with this perl script. It also print the FASTA sequence name, N's counts, nucleotide count and percentage details at command prompt/standard output.  

    4012 days ago


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Wire posts

  • Remove N from a fasta file. Go to vi editor, type :%s/N\{25,\}//g and press enter. #Vim #vi #N #Replace #Fasta

    3768 days ago

  • Creates 100 random DNA sequences with 20 residues. sapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(c("A","T","G","C"), 20, replace=T), collapse="")) #R #Random #Sequence #DNA #Script

    3771 days ago

  • +7 more Wire posts

